
Hi! My name is Meg and I'm an Australian blogger who is absolutely addicted to reading! I wanted to create a place where I could share my thoughts on books with others and hopefully encourage you to check out some of the books yourself! I'm always open to discuss books and take requests to review books so please feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email at: megstewart23@gmail.com

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Friday, January 23, 2015

If I Stay by Gale Forman

Okay, so cool fact about this one: I read it in just one afternoon.

I know you're probably thinking "wtf, that's not really that big of a deal," but it is to me! It's the first time I've really ever read a book that quickly. But in its defense, it was actually a pretty short novel.

It's about seventeen year old Mia Hall who on a snowy morning ends up in a car crash with her family. She has an out of body experience where she watches herself get carried away to a hospital and pretty much watches herself getting operated on and all her family and friends reacting to her state. She listens to loved ones talk to her unconscious body and has to deal with pretty heavy news all while nobody can hear or see her.

I'll be honest, I did shed a tear or two at a specific part or this novel. I won't reveal it for the sake of spoilers but man it really hit me for some reason.

During the novel, we get a lot of flashbacks as we find out about Mia's life and her best friend Kim, boyfriend Adam and parents. There are some really heartwarming and nice moments in the novel which really just make it all the sadder. I really like the idea of making Mia like classical music and play the cello because the books speaks a lot about classical music such as Beethoven and Yo Yo Ma. It's just nice and gives the book its own original and unique touch.

The way the novel is written is really easy to follow even though it includes numerous time jumps. I had no problem following along with the story and thought that Foreman did a great job at writing in past and present and switching between the two frequently.

The love story between Mia and Adam is frequent throughout the story but a nice breath of fresh air in the world of couples in teen fiction. I just like the way the characters while both different from each other in styles can find a common love with music in general. Like, you often see in stories the popular person falling for the shy one and there's never really a clear reason given other than "you're beautiful" or "have a nice personality, I can relate to you" but Adam explains his love for Mia comes from when he watches her play her cello. He can see the passion and love she has for playing and can relate to her love of music even though he plays an electric guitar in a rock band.

No spoilers, but the end of this novel had me going "Wait that's it? What? No! I need more!" so you can guarentee I'llbe checking out the sequel soon,

This was another one of those books that was 'read it before you see it' but let me tell you, the movie was actually great too. I cried like a baby.

Overall, I give this book 6 OUT OF 10 STARS as I found it likeable but man, so sad. I RECOMMEND IT to all you that go for the sappy love stories and tragedies that makes you want to drown in a puddle of your own tears.

Till next time,
Meg xx

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