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Hi! My name is Meg and I'm an Australian blogger who is absolutely addicted to reading! I wanted to create a place where I could share my thoughts on books with others and hopefully encourage you to check out some of the books yourself! I'm always open to discuss books and take requests to review books so please feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email at: megstewart23@gmail.com

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Okay, so I first checked this book out in the ninth grade due to high recommendation from friends and wow was I blown away.

This was one of the first YA novels I ever read once I evolved from Geronimo Stilton and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Meet Rose Hathaway, a complete bad ass, total hottie and guardian in training. Her job is to protect her BFF Lissa Dragomir, a royal who is the last in her line due to a terrible car accident that killed her family. Lissa is a vampire and needs protection like all others of her kind from a evil race of vampires called Strigoi that kill everyone and just in general shitty people and dangerous as hell. The novel begins with them both on the run before being taken back to Vampire Academy to continue their training and academics.

One of the main favorites for me throughout the novel is the relationship between Rose and Dimitri. Like, I just love the kind of 'forbidden romance and complete sexual tension throughout the entire novel' relationship. But, okay one thing that total threw me off was that Dimitri was Russian. I have no idea why, but throughout the entire novel I just pictured him looking like Seneca Crane from the Hunger Games (which made it a lot harder to fangirl over his supposed hotness). And as for the Russian thing, I seriously have no idea but I just wanted to giggle everytime I imagined him saying anything in a Russian accent. I DON'T KNOW WHY. A lot of people have a thing for that but I apparently don't.

My favorite novels are the ones that feature fantasy or some sort of action and romance on the side. I cannot stand novels that just have all the focus on romance. Like, I don't want to read a novel that's just like every chapter "Does Todd like me? Omg he kissed me!! Omg he isn't texting me back! Omg he winked at me!! Omg he has eyebrows!!!!" I find it completely boring and painful and I love that Vampire Academy is nothing like that.

The story is very entertaining and if you get into it, you won't be able to put the book down. That's a guarantee. It has a lot going on in regards to fantasy, drama and relationships which is why I love it so much. Not a single dull moment.

It's also written very well and Mead has put it in a way with a nice flow that can easily captivate readers and capture their attention.

Lissa's character did annoy me a few times and continued to do so throughout the entire series because man, she's just such a weakling. Like, can this girl stand up for herself or nah? She seems to be hiding behind Rose a lot of the time and even though it's Rose's job to protect her she seems to have no complaints or worries that her seventeen year old best friend could potientally die all the time just to save her. Like??? Is she just cool with it or??? Like 'go die for me whenever Rose, it's cool.'

Aside from that, this series really has it all. Action, romance, drama, comedy and fantasy. It's defientely worth checking out. I have read the entire series and am onto the spin off series of Bloodlines. If there are any VA fans that want me to review the rest of the series, just leave a comment below and I'll get straight onto Frostfire. I'll even read it again becuase I loved that novel so much!

Anyway, I give this novel 9 OUT OF 10 STARS and seriously RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE. Please, pretty pretty please one hundred times don't compare it to the movie. The movie was literally such a disgrace and done so poorly. I COULD HAVE WRITTEN A BETTER SCRIPT. I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I COULD HAVE. "Sweet sassy molassy"? WERE THEY FOR REAL? People always say that books are better than their movies and man this movie brings that statement to a whole new level. Please never watch the movie, it will ruin the book for you. I still feel resentment every time I think of the books due to the movie.

Okay, I better end this before I go on a three thousand word rant on how bad the film was.

Till next time,
Meg xx

Okay, so cool fact about this one: I read it in just one afternoon.

I know you're probably thinking "wtf, that's not really that big of a deal," but it is to me! It's the first time I've really ever read a book that quickly. But in its defense, it was actually a pretty short novel.

It's about seventeen year old Mia Hall who on a snowy morning ends up in a car crash with her family. She has an out of body experience where she watches herself get carried away to a hospital and pretty much watches herself getting operated on and all her family and friends reacting to her state. She listens to loved ones talk to her unconscious body and has to deal with pretty heavy news all while nobody can hear or see her.

I'll be honest, I did shed a tear or two at a specific part or this novel. I won't reveal it for the sake of spoilers but man it really hit me for some reason.

During the novel, we get a lot of flashbacks as we find out about Mia's life and her best friend Kim, boyfriend Adam and parents. There are some really heartwarming and nice moments in the novel which really just make it all the sadder. I really like the idea of making Mia like classical music and play the cello because the books speaks a lot about classical music such as Beethoven and Yo Yo Ma. It's just nice and gives the book its own original and unique touch.

The way the novel is written is really easy to follow even though it includes numerous time jumps. I had no problem following along with the story and thought that Foreman did a great job at writing in past and present and switching between the two frequently.

The love story between Mia and Adam is frequent throughout the story but a nice breath of fresh air in the world of couples in teen fiction. I just like the way the characters while both different from each other in styles can find a common love with music in general. Like, you often see in stories the popular person falling for the shy one and there's never really a clear reason given other than "you're beautiful" or "have a nice personality, I can relate to you" but Adam explains his love for Mia comes from when he watches her play her cello. He can see the passion and love she has for playing and can relate to her love of music even though he plays an electric guitar in a rock band.

No spoilers, but the end of this novel had me going "Wait that's it? What? No! I need more!" so you can guarentee I'llbe checking out the sequel soon,

This was another one of those books that was 'read it before you see it' but let me tell you, the movie was actually great too. I cried like a baby.

Overall, I give this book 6 OUT OF 10 STARS as I found it likeable but man, so sad. I RECOMMEND IT to all you that go for the sappy love stories and tragedies that makes you want to drown in a puddle of your own tears.

Till next time,
Meg xx

Hi all! I sincerely apologize for my long absence. But I'm back with a new theme and a heap of reviews are about to come your way! Firstly, I should mention that I've changed my rating base from out of five stars to out of ten so it allows me to have more range. Anyway, on with the actual review!

I checked out this novel way before the movie because the entire website of Tumblr had been raving on it. And knowing me, I always have to try and join the trend or at least snoop and find out what it's about. But wow the internet blew up about this book and before I knew it, everyone around me was reading it. I was glad I checked it out prior to its massive popularity otherwise I would have looked like a cliche follower if i was caught reading it!

Anyway, the story comes from the point of view of sixteen year old Hazel Grace Lancaster who unfortunately has lung cancer. What I really appreciate about this story is how John Green portrayed her thoughts. She was upfront and honest about everything. It wasn't "I have cancer and that's so sad" it was "I have cancer and let me tell you why that freaking sucks."

She has such a raw emotion to her and the character has such an element on strength throughout the novel with how she deals with her illness. She gets angry, she makes sarcastic jokes, she gives you an insight to cancer that you've never seen before while also not making her story all about it. She doesn't let it consume her in a way. She shows her power over it.

Augustus Waters is a little different. To be honest, he is pretentious as hell. But that is even mentioned in the novel so that's no new fact. But man, it can make him annoying. Yet, his character makes up for it with his witty sense of humor and jokes that actually had me smiling and chuckling on a few occasions.

In regards to the story, it's a heartwarming one. It did come off as a bit too predictable to me in some elements and I'll be honest, (get ready for this) I didn't cry once. Pretty much everyone did and people would tell me that and I would go "Oh my God, same!" but nope. I will admit I teared up on one occasion thanks to line from Hazel's Mom but other than that, no actual tears. I know what you're thinking, do I have a soul? And the answer to that is no, of course not.

Overall, the book did seem slightly overrated to me yet it did feature some moments that I enjoyed and I'm just so thankful that the story did get all that popularity. It brought awareness to cancer and all the people that have to go through the struggles of it and can't live a normal healthy life. While Gus brought happiness to Hazel's character a part of me hopes that people don't continue to take the message away from it that a boy will always be there to help you get through something because it's not true. It makes me so mad when I see young girls writing stories on Wattpad about girls who self harm and then introduce a male character who supposedly 'saves them from their self'. Romanticizing illness whether physical or emotion is not the way to go, remember that folks. But I don't think John Green did that, just to clarify.

I give the book 6 OUT OF 10 STARS as it wasn't my favorite read, but was written well and kept me interested and I RECOMMEND IT to all those out there that love a good romance read!

Till next time,
Meg xx
I got an advanced copy of this book on netgalley.com (thanks to the lovely publication company for approving my request!) so now I'm here to review it!

This book tells the story of a few different students in the same homeroom that all go to get flu shots one day. And as we all know, its common to get a few reactions when we do get these shots such as headaches and fevers, but what's different about this story is when this group of students wake up the next morning, they realize they did get something from the immunization.The ability to read minds!

These special students now have the ability to read the thoughts of everyone around them and even talk to each other in their heads. While discovering this new power and trying to understand it, will they also be able to keep their secrets under control or handle it when the truth comes out about each other?

When I started the book, I was a little confused because I had to learn about all these new characters and their stories so quickly and I still didn't know whose point of view the story was actually coming from! But don't worry guys, it clearly states at the end of the first chapter that the story is being written by all the characters together who are looking back at what happened and telling the story all together.

I was surprised because I'd never seen a book do that before! Usually certain chapters come from different character's points of view but I'd never heard of a book where the characters apparently all discuss it together! It was definitely refreshing to read something like that and it kept me very intrigued.

All the characters had certain aspects about themselves that were very believable and I think that there was a character in there that everyone could relate to, whether you were as much of a worrier as Olivia or had a bit of a guilty conscience like Mackenzie. But the thing I liked the most, was the different problems and secrets they all encountered from reading minds, some were shocking and others were just TMI which made the book pretty funny.

I sometimes found myself trying to remember certain characters because there were just so many and they all had their own storyline but I soon found myself keeping up pretty well. I also was very satisfied with the ending as I felt it gave me closure and a bit more of an explanation on why the book was being supposedly written by all these characters.

Overall this book took me 3 days to read (I read it mostly at night) and I was pretty happy with it. I also know that there is a sequel coming out for it soon and I will be sure to give that a read when it comes out. I give the book FOUR STARS for keeping me entertained and managing to create an original and interesting storyline for teen readers. That being said I DO RECOMMEND this book for young adults and look forward to seeing it on bookshelves soon.
I recently went to a book store to pick up a copy of Divergent as I was aware of the movie coming out soon and I'm one of those kind of people that likes to read the book before I see the film, which is probably not the best idea because I usually end up disappointed when I see that the movie isn't as good as the book (I'm looking at you Vampire Academy. But regardless, I was eager to read the book that everyone had been talking about non stop for the past few weeks.

One thing I noticed right of the bat, was that the book got straight to the point. It wasn't one of those stories that started off by explaining the whole post apocalyptic situation to us, it instead informed us more and more as the story went along which I though was great because sometimes it can be overwhelming how much we as readers need to learn when we've just started a new book. So props to Veronica Roth for nor confusing us.

The book, while having an unrealistic situation, created very realistic and relateable characters. Such as sixteen year old Beatrice Prior, who was brought up in a peaceful faction that teaches them to put others first, a faction she feels like she's never really fit into. And then there's Four, an eighteen year old that while maintains a strong personality, has a back story, just like the rest of us. I really appreciated the way that Roth could still gives a clear understanding of a character even though we are still seeing everything from Tris' point of view.

One of my most favorite moments to read was whenever Tris was in a fear landscape. I thought it was a very creative idea and it had a way of keeping me interested as well as looking forward to the next time she would face hers again. I won't spoil anything because I want everyone to read this story for themselves, but just know, they are really great.

One of the only things that did confuse me was towards the end, which as I mentioned I won't spoil but it had something to do with mind control. It took me a while to realise what was going on and it confused me a little. But Veronica  handles the action in this book very well and uses in a way to keep the story very interesting.

I would say that there wasn't a dull moment in the book at all. Not a single moment that I felt I needed put down the book and take a break or stop reading all together and I think that it takes a great writer to pull off something like that.

Overall, this book was very enjoyable and only took me a few days to read as I found myself unable to put it down, even taking it to classes and sneaking in a few sentences. I am now onto the last book in the series 'Allegiant' and even though some annoying people on the internet have spoiled the ending for me *sigh*, I am still reading it and enjoying it a lot.

I would have to give this book FOUR OUT OF FIVE STARS (haha 'four', divergent joke), I'm just kidding guys, I only wanted to make that joke. It was actually FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS  as it was definitely a favorite and I WOULD RECOMMEND to all teen readers out there who love a bit of Fantasy, Action and Romance in their stories. Definitely right up my alley.

Until the next review,
Meg xx
Jake Simms
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