
Hi! My name is Meg and I'm an Australian blogger who is absolutely addicted to reading! I wanted to create a place where I could share my thoughts on books with others and hopefully encourage you to check out some of the books yourself! I'm always open to discuss books and take requests to review books so please feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email at: megstewart23@gmail.com

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Divergent by Veronica Roth

I recently went to a book store to pick up a copy of Divergent as I was aware of the movie coming out soon and I'm one of those kind of people that likes to read the book before I see the film, which is probably not the best idea because I usually end up disappointed when I see that the movie isn't as good as the book (I'm looking at you Vampire Academy. But regardless, I was eager to read the book that everyone had been talking about non stop for the past few weeks.

One thing I noticed right of the bat, was that the book got straight to the point. It wasn't one of those stories that started off by explaining the whole post apocalyptic situation to us, it instead informed us more and more as the story went along which I though was great because sometimes it can be overwhelming how much we as readers need to learn when we've just started a new book. So props to Veronica Roth for nor confusing us.

The book, while having an unrealistic situation, created very realistic and relateable characters. Such as sixteen year old Beatrice Prior, who was brought up in a peaceful faction that teaches them to put others first, a faction she feels like she's never really fit into. And then there's Four, an eighteen year old that while maintains a strong personality, has a back story, just like the rest of us. I really appreciated the way that Roth could still gives a clear understanding of a character even though we are still seeing everything from Tris' point of view.

One of my most favorite moments to read was whenever Tris was in a fear landscape. I thought it was a very creative idea and it had a way of keeping me interested as well as looking forward to the next time she would face hers again. I won't spoil anything because I want everyone to read this story for themselves, but just know, they are really great.

One of the only things that did confuse me was towards the end, which as I mentioned I won't spoil but it had something to do with mind control. It took me a while to realise what was going on and it confused me a little. But Veronica  handles the action in this book very well and uses in a way to keep the story very interesting.

I would say that there wasn't a dull moment in the book at all. Not a single moment that I felt I needed put down the book and take a break or stop reading all together and I think that it takes a great writer to pull off something like that.

Overall, this book was very enjoyable and only took me a few days to read as I found myself unable to put it down, even taking it to classes and sneaking in a few sentences. I am now onto the last book in the series 'Allegiant' and even though some annoying people on the internet have spoiled the ending for me *sigh*, I am still reading it and enjoying it a lot.

I would have to give this book FOUR OUT OF FIVE STARS (haha 'four', divergent joke), I'm just kidding guys, I only wanted to make that joke. It was actually FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS  as it was definitely a favorite and I WOULD RECOMMEND to all teen readers out there who love a bit of Fantasy, Action and Romance in their stories. Definitely right up my alley.

Until the next review,
Meg xx

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